“Building Skills and Talents for a Sustainable Raw Materials Industry” - Euromines panel discussion at the EU GreenWeek 2023

A Euromines panel discussion about skills and talent for the energy transition, moderated by Plutonic Raw Materials Advisory.

We can have all the minerals in the world, but we are not helped much if we are not able to use them. The mining, metals, and recycling industries are great places to work in and we need the right people to make an impact. In fact, we need more than that. We need a societal change and also the skill and capacity in raw materials outside the mining sector. For example, governments will need to deal with an increased amount of permitting processes at accelerated speed. Organizations need to engage with local communities, as well as the broader value chain.

We focus on questions, such as what are the types of raw materials skill we need in industry and in government? What role does diversity play and how can we leverage it? How will the knowledge and skills landscape change as we go through the energy transition? An how can we attract and retain the talent we need?

This panel discussion was hosted on 8 June, 2023, by European Association of Mining Industries, Metal Ores & Industrial Minerals (Euromines), as part of the EU Green Week 2023. Gijsbert Wierink moderated the panel.

Panel discussion about the skills needed to support the twin energy and digital transitions, hosted by Euromines during the EU GreenWeek 2023, moderated by Plutonic RMA’s Gijsbert Wierink.

For any enquiries how Plutonic Raw Materials can help your organization navigate the current landscape of sustainability, materials and energy, please write us at info@plutonic-rma or fill our Contact Form.


“Cultural dimensions of communication and trust” - Presentation and panel discussion at the Responsible Raw Materials conference 2023